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This is tantamount to the government and its departments located together with sets of individual exploits drivers,coach factory, faced with such a strong opponent, the vast majority of drivers in addition to obediently punished, how the slightest counterassaulted force ? From this chain of interest, you can also see the beginning of the interests and sources of local government, local government does not give traffic enforcement department funds or funds given very little, not enough to survive departments, but hopes its revenue. In the end is the law enforcement agencies, law enforcement unit revenue linked to the number of units and performance appraisal and ghd online leadership, the more revenue per unit royalty and the more the government financial returns, leadership and staff bonuses, benefits, etc. are also more.

Thus among local governments, law enforcement agencies and law enforcement personnel to form a public authority and private interests dislocation entanglement community of interests, members of the Community and its goal is to maximize their own interests, a loss for both sides, a prosperity. And now intended to weak law enforcement authorities, privileges thinking seriously, think ye ye dry on dry. Because the interests of drivers, but do not take the law seriously, in co -generation method phenomenon of repeated punishment. However, the range of disease is not so good bully people, coach outlet online not only recaptured the car keys, that will hook to beat a meal.

Today, this hook unlucky, be kicked iron on. Fishing law enforcement, also known as the Anglo-American law enforcement trap children there, which is dedicated to the concept of common law, and self-defense, such as coach purses, are the reasons the party guilty exemption. From the legal analysis, the parties had no illegal intent, under the lure of law enforcement officers, was engaged in illegal activities, the state certainly should not punish this behavior. This behavior if used improperly will cause crime, luring serious social problems.


