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The convulsion wipe the mouth of the blood, then smooth body scurry of infuriating. Blessing housekeeper help them immediately pick up the letterhead. Two security watched, I saw above wrote:chi flat irons, when you see this letter, Huang Shu has left such an outcome of this dead, the Huang Shu numerous long expected, Huang Shu has long been known to have such a day, forgive Huang Shu concealed for so many years

chi, do not be sad, do not blame vent their anger on anyone. The Huang Shu's death is not because the ice cicada Gudu, but fate would have it. Huang Shu the innate body with ice, destined to live only 20 years. Can live for five years, thanks to the Queen Mother Huang Shu body under the ice cicada Gudu. So, you do not go to the Queen Mother and Chen because of the death of Huang Shu must take revenge. Sheng Chi Dynasty war, because you common people because you're in deep water, Huang Shu is dead can not rest in peace.

chi flat iron, I'm sorry, Huang Shu can no longer take care of you to accompany you around. After the road, you need your own to go later in life also requires you to master. In any case, Huang Shu only hope chi to be happy life happy, happy. Thus, Huang Shu in heaven can only feel at ease.


